County news # 2Jason Peters, Superintendent of the County Highway Department presented the Commissioner with the 2019 Road Plan during their meeting Monday morning.

Peters said he plans to chip and seal 58 miles for an estimated total cost of $916,400 and 7.5 miles of double chip and seal for an estimated cost of $293,032.50.  The double chip and seal road would be reclaimed this year and then chip and sealed twice.  Peters said he also plans to reclaim Lilac Road from 14C to State Road 10 and 15B Road from Fir to Elm and leave them ground.

The projected paving projects for this season list 24 miles for a cost estimate of $3.1 million.  Peters said he may have to cut back to 15 miles and move some projects to 2020.  That cut would move the paving budget to $2.5 million.

The 2019 Road Plan also included four segments of roadway for crack sealing at a cost of $10,000.

The total road plan presented is about $400,000 short of the projected funding allocated.  Peters said revenues from Local Road and Streets and the Motor Vehicle Highway funds were down $75,000 from last month. He also said revenues are not keeping up with expenses.

The Highway Superintendent said he would start to work the plan and as the season moves along he would approach the County Council later in the summer if the weather cooperates and his department can complete more work than what he has funding for.

Commissioner Stan Klotz said, “We need an aggressive plan for the next 4 to 5 year.”

The commissioners unanimously approved the 2019 Road Plan.