Senator Randy Head 2019State Senator, Randy Head is keeping the folks in the 18th district up to date on activities in the current session.  He said, “As your state senator, it is my responsibility to protect life in all forms. This session, the Indiana General Assembly is considering several measures to help fight for those who can’t fight for themselves.”

Senate Enrolled Act 201 would update Indiana’s laws to ensure healthcare providers aren’t forced to participate in abortions if it violates their conscience. State law already provides this conscience protection to physicians, and SEA 201 would extend the same rights to physician assistants, nurses and pharmacists.

House Enrolled Act 1211 would make performing a dismemberment abortion on a living fetus a Level 5 felony, except when a physician determines it necessary to prevent a serious health risk to the mother or to save the mother’s life.

Senator Head said, “This session, I will continue to fight for measures that protect life, no matter how small.”

To follow these bills and others being discussed, click here