Fire_NIPSCO Gaws leak_1The Plymouth Police Department responded to a couple a fire situations Tuesday afternoon.

The first call was about 1:30 to the duplexes at the corner of Madison and Eighth Street.  They found a fire in a garbage can that was sitting next to the residence.  Plymouth Fire Chief Rod Miller said there was slight damage to the siding and sill plate.

FIre_NIPSCO Gas Leak_2A short time later at 2:12 the fire department was dispatched to the alley way between Michigan and Novelty Street, directly south of Kentucky Fried Chicken.  NIPSCO was repairing an old line and the cap came off on a fairly large older line.

Fire_NIPSCO Gas Leak_3Chief Miller said due to the size of the line, the fire department had to be on stand by before NIPSCO workers could get into the hole and repair the line.

FIre_Plum&North_1About 4:20 the Plymouth Fire Department was dispatched to the south east corner of Plum and North Streets.

Fire_Plum&North_2The upstairs apartment was cooking and there was some minor smoke from the oven.