Pioneer Seed Burn_1 March12,2019During Monday night’s Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety meeting, Fire Chief Rod Miller told members that Pioneer Seed would be conducting an open burn on Tuesday.

Pioneer Seed Burn_2 March12,2019Earlier this year, Pioneer Seed contacted the Fire Chief and said they had received a permit from Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) to conduct a controlled burn of the 31 acre Pioneer Wetland Restoration Site to the east of their facility. As part of the restoration and maintenance of the native vegetation site the cool season grasses and forbs were burned on Tuesday.

Pioneer Seed Burn_3 March12,2019Pioneer Seed had to have staff in attendance at the burn at all times along with adequate firefighting equipment on-site during the burn.

Pioneer seed Burn_4 March12,2019The last time this was conducted was in the early spring of 2014.