Young Authors 2019Two Riverside Intermediate School students have been selected as winners in this year’s Marshall County Reading Council Young Author Contest. The students are 6th-grade Xinlang “Ray” Fan and 5th grade Emily Dicus. Both Ray and Emily found out last Friday that they were the writing contest winners. They were both featured in the Riverside morning announcements this week on Tuesday.

Ray wrote about herbicide’s archnemesis, the dandelion in his work titled, “Attack of the DandeLion.” Emily wrote about a broccoli attack during dinner time in her work titled, “The Healthy Broccoli.”

All Riverside students were introduced to the writing contest during their specials in the Riverside library this school year. Riverside librarian Nicole Sniadecki worked with the Marshall County Reading Council building representative, Valeri Bailey, to promote and encourage student participation. Contest posters and author, Troy Cummings’ books were on display for the students to check out. Students were given time during library, in-class, and at home to work on their submissions. Students were very eager and excited to get creative!

Bailey said, “The goal of this year’s writing contest was for students to create a monster out of everyday objects. Both Ray and Emily’s submissions were detailed and included, characters, setting, plot, and best of how all, how to defeat their monster.”

Ray and Emily, along with their families attended a meet-and-greet, Thursday night at Culver Elementary School.  They each received an autographed copy of a book by Troy Cummings, and an award/certificate. The evening was sponsored by the Marshall County Reading Council.