Aquatic Center drawingTuesday evening Jerry Chavez, President and CEO of the Marshall County Economic Development Corporation gave members of the Plymouth Redevelopment Commission an update on the Aquatics Center and Early Childhood Learning Center project.

Chavez said three walls, the east, north and west walls are up and now that the trusses have been set the contractor is preparing to install the bricks for the south wall.  The area is covered and they are preparing for the installation.  He said once the walls are up they will dig out the pool area.

The Early Childhood Learning Center is closed in with the roof, outer walls, windows and doors.   Chavez said a majority of the sheet rock is hung in both the learning center and the United Way/Community Foundation office area and they are starting to paint.

Rough-ins for the electrical are in place as well as the mechanical and security systems.  He told the Redevelopment Commission members split-block on the outside of the building is being laid as well.

Chavez said the project is on schedule with the Aquatic Center being about 30 percent complete and the Early Childhood Center at 40 percent.  He said there is a lot of detail work on the inside to do along with the cabinetry and restrooms.

The projects are easily seen from US 30, just east of Pioneer Drive.