Plymouth Color Logo2014Plymouth City Attorney presented a request from QC Communications, the contractor hired by Comcast to install conduit and cable to Super 8, to reduce the violation fine from $107,500 to $2,500.

During Monday’s Board of Public Works and Safety the City Attorney Sean Surrisi gave a timeline of the issue that came from installing the conduit prior to receiving permission from the Board of Public Works to begin the project.  QC Communications also installed the conduit in a horizontal fashion instead of a straight shot under the roadway.

During the meeting an attorney representing QC Communications and the owner, Mark Holland apologized to the Board of Works and assured them that they know the city’s procedures and won’t deviate from them.

The $2,500 daily fine mounted up to $107,500 over the 43 days of the violation.

Council member, Bill Walters told Holland he motioned to impose the highest fine possible to “get your attention” and that’s what happened.  He also commented that he knew the city would negotiate the fine down.

The City has already approved several other Comcast projects that QC Communications installed without any issues.

At the conclusion of the negotiations with QC Communications, the City Clerk Treasurer, Jeanine Xaver suggested implementing a contractor’s registration, similar to the county’s so contractor will know and understand the city’s policies and procedures especially for installations in the terrace area, which Xaver says is “prime real-estate.”

Mr. Holland from QC communications told the Board of Public Works and Safety that several communities are now charging by the foot for installation in the right-of-ways.

The council was in favor of pursuing her recommendations and motioned to move forward with looking at contractor’s registration, charging a price per foot installation and increasing the financial guarantees on the projects.