County News # 1While the County Council had only a few items on their agenda for Monday’s meeting, the issue with changing the Highway Supervisor over to a Superintendents positions took some time to iron out.

During the transfer portion, the commissioners asked to transfer funds due to the reorganization of the department’s upper administration.   They requested to move $1,097.70 from wages supervisor to wages department head in this year’s budget and in the 2019 budget $58,081 from supervisor to superintendent.

Before any action could be taken, Commissioner Kevin Overmyer asked if there was a job description for the superintendent’s position.  He was told by County Auditor Julie Fox that the old job description from Neal Haeck was still available.

Council president, Judy Stone said the council had only changed the pay for Jason Peters, that the commissioners were the one to change the title from supervisor to superintendent by a 2 – 1 vote.

Council member Bill Githens said the current job description is on file and in effect.

Commissioner Overmyer said Waggoner, Irwin Scheele, the county’s HR consultants sent an Interim Superintendent’s job description.  After a bit more discussion the council approved the transfer as requested.

They also approved an ordinance tabled at last month’s meeting to amend the salary ordinance for 2018 creating the Highway Superintendent’s position.

Commissioner Overmyer said “We need to put this thing to rest.”