mILLER'S_Bible Stick Man Melba, Patty, Normas Y 2018 press picThe Bible Stick Man – AKA Ron Vance – of Cincinnati spend Friday, Nov. 2 in Plymouth, sharing his talent of carving wooden walking sticks with the residents of Miller’s Merry Manor and Miller’s Assisted Living.  He went to both facilities with displaying his original creations.  Vance who is a youth minister began his carving career one summer as he taught at survival wilderness camp.  He picked up a nice, sturdy stick and during the week he carved everyone’s name from the camp plus several “special” moments that he wanted to remember. 

His little hobby turned into an actual calling from God when he decided every stick he carved would tell a special story or event from the bible.  He now travels around the world sharing his love of carving and his love of the Lord and showing his walking sticks to all who will listen.

mILLER'S_Bible Stick Man with all sticks 2018His presentation is a “hands on” experience for all who attend.  He gently removes his Bible Sticks from their holder and explains the process it took to carve all the small details.  He passes the sticks around the circle and then audience enjoys looking at the intricate details of his carving plus listens as he tells the Bible story that it tells.

For more information about the Bible Stick Man go to


Photo Captions:

  1. Ron Vance tells the story of his hand carved Bible Stick to Melba Fetters, Patty Miller and Norma Young.
  2. Ron Vance poses with some of his Bible Sticks that he has carved through the years.