Recycle_DepotMarshall County Solid Waste and the Recycling Depot will be getting a new surveillance system.

Executive Director Marianne Peters presented her board of directors with two options; Johnsons Controls at $9,797 and Vermillion Systems for $4,307.

Reviewing the two proposals the board motioned to go with the lower bid of Vermillion Systems quote of $4,307.

The Solid Waste board also held a discussion on the benefit of health insurance since they were up for renewal.  Peters said with only three employees, the premiums with Amthem, the current provider keep increasing, next year with an 11% increase.  She said one employee is opting out and has secured their own health insurance while she and the other employee have to options to join on their spouses program.

Solid Waste District Board member, Jon Van Vactor said, “We researched this when we were changing providers and found that many Solid Waste boards don’t provide insurance coverage for employees.”

Peters said when she looked out 5 years she realized that expenditures are going to keep increasing while the tax caps are reducing funding for the district.

Members motioned to terminate the health insurance benefit with Anthem for Solid Waste District employees.