Triton_NG3Jeremy Riffle, Triton School Corporation Superintendent announced theNG3 Players of the week recently.  The awards went to Aaron Stichter, Bo Snyder, and D’Angelo Shumpert.

NG3 stands for Next Generation Character, Community and Change. Triton School Corporation and Jordan Ickes continue to work hard to explicitly teach what it means to be men or women of high character. Riffle said, “So many times we just want our kids to be good, but we don’t model, or teach them what great character looks like. Great character will far out last football or any other sport our young people play. Uncommon Character will produce a great dad, mom, employee, husband, wife, etc.”

If you are interested in supporting NG3, please contact Superintendent Riffle at 574-342-2255 for more information or you can visit their website at   If you are interested in donating to this cause, be sure to designate “Triton” as your school of choice. This money is used to support the program materials and lessons, Jordan’s time that he dedicates to this cause, and for things like the meal that was served to the football team on Thursday night.
(Pictured- Scholars receiving their player of the week shirts from Jordan Ickes at practice).