pedestrian cyclist signLast week nine resident of Maxinkuckee Village presented a petition to the Marshall County Commissioners seeking a reduction in the speed limit.

The petition asks the commissioner to reduce the speed limit from 40 mph down to 20 mph starting at State Road 117 and 18B Road and ending at Queen Road South and including approximately a half mile of Queen Road north.

The petition states an increase in pedestrian and cyclist traffic where there is already a congested area from the homes and much of the roadway is very hilly with no sidewalks.

The commissioners discussed placing signs on 18B that alerts drivers to pedestrian traffic and suggested a traffic count before taking any official action.  Discussing the request with County Attorney Jim Clevenger, he commented that the county doesn’t have any 20 mph speed zones.  Their discussion seemed to favor a reduction to 30 mph but no formal action was taken.  The commissioners will drive the area and make a formal decision at their next meeting on August 20th.