Bourbon Water Tower_1The monthly water bills for the Town of Bourbon will show an increase as of August 1, 2018. The Town Council held a public hearing on the proposed increases on July 10 at their regular meeting; however there were no comments either for or against the increase from the audience. The increase will be phased in at a rate of 3.5 percent in 2018 and 2019 and at 3 percent in 2020.

Eric Walsh from Umbaugh and Associates, said the last rate increase was ten years ago. As a means of comparison, Walsh distributed a graph showing that the state average for households in towns for local and similarly sized communities using 4,000 per month is at $30.03. The current monthly rate in Bourbon will increase in 2018 from $22 per month to $22.77.

The current Plymouth rate is lower than Bourbon set at $18.43 monthly. However, other area town rates are significantly higher. Akron’s rate is $31.94; Etna Green, $42.99; Argos, $45.09; and Silver Lake, $52.57.

Walsh said, “It is really a cost of living increase and the cost of operations.” He then commended the town council and Water Department Superintendent for their handling of the water systems.

Carol Anders Correspondent