Spelling Bee 2018 winnerWow! It was a marathon spelling bee last night in Culver as 5th, 6th, and 7th graders participated in the Marshall County Spelling Bee.

It took 169 words and over an hour and half to crown the winner of the 36th Annual Marshall County Spelling Bee.

1st place went to Ray Fan a 5th grader from Riverside Intermediate School. 2nd place went to another 5th grader from Walkerton Elementary, Livie Foresman. 3rd place went to Nathaniel Celadina a 6th grader from St. Michael’s.

Teri Zechiel, chairman of the event and a teacher at Culver said, “The next few years are going to be really exciting with having such great young spellers in the county. Our Culver students represented us well. Nora Johnston came in 21st, Graham Baker 14th, Kassidy Heise 7th, and Sophie Heath 6th.”

Zechiel said, “As always, it takes a lot of help and support from our staff to pull this off each year. I would like to thank Pam Craft and Todd Shafer for being such great judges last night. The participants asked for a lot of definitions last night. I can’t thank Val Cultice enough for being the pronouncer of the words and coming up with sentences for all 169 words. She does such a great job! Thanks to Liz Pitera for running the video camera. I would also like to thank Raeanne Stevens and Diane Darrow for helping set up the stage and video camera. Thanks to Daniel for setting up the microphones. A huge thank you to Brett and Mike for helping with the set up and for Brett being the emcee. He does such a wonderful job.

I would also like to thank the following businesses for supporting the bee! WTCA, The Original Root Beer Stand, Good To Go Mini Mart, and Osborn’s Mini Mart. The bee wouldn’t bee possible without their financial support.”