Local News 2017Candidates in the May Primary are required to file a financial report of receipts and expenditures prior to the election.  This year reports were due April 20 and covered the time period of January 1 through April 13th.

Taking a look at the Republican candidates for County Commissioner in District 1 show that all three candidates: Kurt Garner, David Hostetler and Stan Klotz began their campaigns with a zero balance and filed their reports on time.

Garner’s report shows contributions and receipts in the amount of $1,200 and expenditures of $1,000.  The list of contributions only included three contributors: James Erwin of Plymouth for $200; Christ Kurtis of Culver for $500 and Kurt Garner for $500.

David Hostetler’s financial report has $1,153.94 in contributions and receipts and $1,153.94 in expenditures.  David Hostetler has not accepted any contributions from anyone other than himself.

Stan Klotz’s financial report shows contributions and receipts in the amount of $12,431.91 and expenditures in the same amount. His contributions include $500 from James Shell of Bremen and $11,931.19 from Klotz himself.  His report indicates that he owes $260.85 to Tim Harman, Bremen business owner for signs and the Mr. Harman made a contribution by way of a loan of $260.85 to the Klotz campaign.