Support the troopsSeveral children of Plymouth’s emergency service workers are presently serving our country in the military. Marilyn King and Josh Gaines from the Plymouth Fire Department are planning on putting together care packages to send to the following military personnel that are currently deployed or stationed overseas: Sal Bustamante (Barb Bustamante’s son), Bailey Richards (Lisa Richard’s daughter), Jordan Schmitt (Greg Carroll’s son-in-law),and Janelle Cleveland (Retired PPD Officer Gary Cleveland’s daughter).

They are asking you to please consider contributing in any way possible. They want to recognize these young men and women by sending them a little bit of home.

Included below is a list of items below that are ideal for shipping overseas. Cards, letters, and pictures are also welcomed and are very much appreciated by our soldiers and sailors. Or you can make a monetary donation to help cover shipping costs.
We will be sending several packages throughout the year, so please keep our Plymouth military personnel in mind during the holidays. We are happy to pick donations up from you. Contact Marilyn or Josh at Plymouth Fire (574-936-2156) 8am-4pm to make arrangements.

Microwavable soups
Mac and cheese cups
Crystal light packets
Beef Jerky
Canned chicken breast (with the pull tab or in a pouch)
Granola bars
Fruit snacks
Pudding cups
Noodle cups
Snack crackers
Individual packs of Kleenex
Hand sanitizer
Individual juice boxes or pouches
Powdered Gatorade
Microwave popcorn
Individual nacho cheese cups
Individual salsa cups
Chips (Lays stackers or Pringles ship best)
Travel size toiletries