BourbonThe Bourbon Town Council unanimously approved a number of quotes for maintenance projects during their meeting Tuesday evening. New windows will be installed at the Matchett Center by Plymouth Glass for $600. It was noted in the March council meeting that moisture was forming in between windows that could lead to problems in the future.

At the request of Bourbon Waste Water Superintendent, Steve Stacy, an irrigation rig used to pump treated water onto a field will be repaired at a cost of $6,475.  Stacy said he had budgeted $7,000 in his yearly budget for the work.

Repairs needed on Thayer Street in Bourbon will cost $18,209. Funding for the project will come out of both the Street Department and Waste Water funds. Stacy said part of the damage to the street resulted from the installation of water pipes. Roger Terry, Bourbon Street Department Superintendent said Thayer Street was not included in the Community grant the town received for street repairs.

Terry will also seek quotes for sidewalk repairs in the 800 block of North Main Street.

Carol Anders Correspondent