LionsClub_Jim SmartJim Smart, the new Interim Executive Director of Link To Hope, formerly Care and Share shared the transition to Link To Hope at the last meeting of the Plymouth Lions Club.  Link To Hope is a faith based 501 c3, non –profit organization that serves the needy and marginalized in Marshall County.  Areas of assistance include; help with rent, utilities, medicines (no narcotics), and transportation to shelters.  They will continue to network with other organizations to help close the gap in services for individuals and families in need.

Unfortunately, the last quarter of 2017 was a rough and transitional time for Care and Share and their clients.  Due to legal issues, services were suspended, leaving their clients without the help they needed.  Many were left searching for other ways to get buy.  The Board Members of Care and Share were determined and committed to find a way to reorganize and continue the ministry that has been their goal since the conception of the organization in 2004.  Their focus is to continue serving the marginalized of Marshall County and give them hope for a better life.

In December the board met, after many prayers and encouragement from supporters, with the goal of establishing a new name, new direction, and new leadership.  In January, Smart accepted the position and the challenge to rebuild the persona and gain the support and respect from the community, and most importantly to be good servants to the families that need assistance.

In other business, the Lions Club read letters of thanks for assistance, a request for glasses, and approved a motion that the first White Cane Day on May 12th at Walmart will be used for fundraising for a new Refractor for the Kidsight Program.  A second White Cane Day will be at Walmart on September 29th.

This message is from Lions Club International President… He asks all to link arms and this month, he challenges each Lions Club Member to look to your neighbors to your left and to your right.  Then ask yourself how you might join hands?  And consider how donating to LCIF may extend the service you do.  Lions serve….if you or anyone else you know would like to become a part of the Plymouth Lions Club, please contact any Lions Club member.

Submitted by Susan Eggleston