Marshall_County MuseumThere are lots of reasons to come to downtown Plymouth during Earth Week, April 16 – 22 and the Marshall County Museum is one of them.  They will be showing a short film on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from Noon – 1 PMabout the controversial misuse of wetlands in northwestern Indiana called, “Everglades of the North.”  Bring a sack lunch and enjoy this historic film about a natural wonder, comparable to the Florida Everglades that once occupied nearly a million acres west of Marshall County.

On Thursday, April 19, John Kennedy, of Kennedy’s Kitchen will be performing an original song he wrote about the Great Kankakee and wildlife biologist, Rick Ward, will be on hand to answer any questions about the film.

On Friday, April 20, the museum will be hosting an Open House that is open to the public from 4 -6 PM celebrating agriculture in Marshall County!  The premiere of a locally-produced video, “Rooted in Marshall County:  The Rich History of Family Farms,” will be shown and refreshments will be served.   The amazing Marshall County Soil & Water Virtual Reality Sandbox will be featured that afternoon, so bring the kids!

The Marshall County Museum is located at 123 North Michigan Street in downtown Plymouth.  For more information call 574-936-2306.