Garrett Schrameyer and Nelson ChipmanAfter Garrett Schrameyer expressed a desire to study law after high school, the PHS Sophomore had to opportunity to meet Marshall County Prosecutor Nelson Chipman.  Mr. Chipman was able to discuss his college classes and degree along with his career as a local Attorney and current Prosecutor.

Nelson Chipman is a 1972 PHS graduate and 1976 graduate from Indiana University. Mr. Chipman went on to obtain a Masters in Criminology from the University of Maryland in 1978 and a Juris Doctor of Law from Valparaiso University.

“As prosecutor, I spend day in and day out with juveniles and adults in trouble with the law, some of whom have committed the most atrocious crimes you can imagine. It thrills me to no end to spend some time with quality young people like Garrett, and last year with Hannah Puckett. They are both energetic, optimistic, curious and with bright and promising futures that will add to our community life. Knowing there are positive role models in our schools balances out the cases of sadness and stupidity we deal with daily. My office is open to anyone who wants to see what a career in the criminal law looks like from the side of law enforcement.”

What an amazing opportunity for Garrett to learn firsthand what a career in law could look like.

Kelsey Flynn WSOI Director of Communications said, “Thank you MC Prosecutor Nelson Chipman for your authentic learning experience for one of our students.”