Board of Public Works & Safety Accepts Plan for Jefferson & Plum Intersection

January 24, 2018

City NEwsThis week the Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety were offered three different scenarios for improving traffic flow at the north intersection of West Jefferson Street and North Plum Street.

Monday night City Engineer Rick Gaul said the first scenario would to place a center line strip on Plum Street from Jefferson northward for the entire block and placing a no parking sign near the corner.  The second scenario would include reconfigure the curb on the north east corner pushing it back to the north and east. Gaul explained this would allow the city fire trucks to turn north off Jefferson Street and not drive up over the curb. The third scenario would include cutting the street curb in toward the sidewalk on the east side of the street so two vehicle could park further off the street allowing northbound traffic a less restrictive travel lane.

Board member Jeff Houin asked about potential funding for the phases and Street Superintendent Jim Marquardt said it would probably have to come from the Street Paving budget.

Members of the Board of Public Works and Safety unanimously approved moving forward with scenario one, the stripping and signage as soon as the weather allows and re-evaluate in the spring for the other two scenarios.