Donnelly-Joe-in-office-Last Week U.S Senator Joe Donnelly sent a letter to Indiana Governor Erick Holcomb concerning the J-turns proposed in Marshall County on US 31.

In the short letter Donnelly said, “I have recently heard from a number of our fellow Hoosiers with their concerns regarding the plans for the development of U.S. 31.  I know you are intimately familiar with the project and its importance to the continued economic development of the state, and I ask that you meet with the members of the U.S. 31 Coalition to discuss their concerns.”

While the senator didn’t weigh in on the decision to place J-turns at US 31 and State Road 10, Dewey Street and 110, he did comment on the long term plan for US 31 saying, “We both know the importance of ensuring that U.S. 31 is development into a stoplight free highway.  The reduced congestion and fewer intersections will have significant safety benefits for our families and communities and the shorter travel times will help improved the bottom line of area businesses.”

Senator Donnelly closed his letter to Governor Holcomb by saying, “This is a project that Hoosiers have been working to make happen for decades, and we have made significant progress in recent years.  Completing U.S. 31 into a free flowing highway is a smart investment.  Hoosiers are ready to work together to finish what has been started.”