world glow background and keyboard button with word 2018 budgetMonday night the Plymouth Common Council conducted a special meeting to discuss Mayor Senter’s 2018 budget.

Department heads presented their budget requests to the council for questions.  Looking at each department category by category they told of any special projects or purchases they had planned for next year.

The total budget for 2018 is $13,227,943 and includes $7,841,548 in the general fund, $3,991,877 in the other funds and $1,394,518 in property tax cap impact.

City Clerk/Treasurer Jeanine Xaver told members the budget is based on historical values for 2018.  She said, “Department heads will be allowed to spend higher because it’s a tight budget.”  In years past department heads were told to only spend 85% of their budget but next year they will be allowed to spend up to 95% of the appropriated budget because it more of a true budget.  Xaver did note that city department heads will have to keep a closer eye on the bottom line of their budgets, especially toward the end of the yea.

The 2018 budget includes $71,800 for 2 new patrol cars for the police department, $10,000 in the Clerks budget for news desks, $21,000 in the Engineering budget for special engineering.  City Attorney Rick Gaul said with the increase in projects he can’t keep up and will continue with farming out some work.  The Building Maintenance fund saw an increase to cover utilities for the Chamber of Commerce building and a new sprinkler system in City Hall along with a $15,000 increase under contractual services of which part will cover the annual elevator inspections and $30,000 for parking lot improvements for the Council on Aging on Harrison Street. The Motor Vehicle Highway fund includes a street sweeper to replace one that is from 2000 and a new hot box patch box at a cost of $255,000.  The Park Department has $190,000 in capital outlays for painting, repairs to the basketball courts, paving in River Park Square to move phase II of the Greenway Tail from Garro Street to the new pedestrian bridge into the South Gateway, a new Gator and 0-turn mower and updating the street lights in the park.

The 2018 budget does include a salary update but not all employees will see a raise.

Emyle Kruyer-Collins presented the results of the salary survey.  Mayor Senter asked to have salaries under his control based off the external mid-point of the survey.  When looking at the various departments it was noted that police officers and firefighters were all above the midpoint with their recent raises.  Other who are above the mid-point included the City Attorney, Sanitary Superintendent, School Crossing Guards, and a part-time service technician at the water department.  Collins said the Clerk asked to have her staff’s salaries at the external high-range.  The budget was presented with the salaries recommended by the Mayor and Clerk although the 2018 Salary Ordinance was only heard on first reading allowing council members to have time to review them before their meeting next Monday.