On Monday, August 21, during the afternoon classes at Plymouth High School science teachers Lori McClellan, Jacqueline Gasca, Suzette Read, Jeff Kindelan and Kelsey Weaver and their students went outside to view the solar eclipse with special solar glasses. Students were illustrating what they saw and documenting the temperature and weather conditions.

An eclipse is a rare and striking phenomenon and the Plymouth School Corporation did not want students to miss the event.  All students participating followed safety procedures while witnessing this spectacle!   The Plymouth High School provided the special viewing glasses to students once they returned their signed parent permission form.

McClellan’s students spent several days preparing for the eclipse discussing what an eclipse is, how the sun, moon and earth are lined up and why we do not have one all the time.   They also discussed expectations, drew two types of eclipses and attended viewing safety training.  On Monday students documented viewing changes around them such as animals, noise and the temperature.  The students also shared in writing what they thought about the experience after Monday’s eclipse.

Several groups of students at Riverside Intermediate School were outside Monday afternoon viewing the solar eclipse with the specially purchased glasses.  Students at the intermediate school also spent a couple days learning about the eclipse with activities in their science classes.  Many students will continue the conversations on Tuesday.