My Approved PortraitsU.S. Senator Joe Donnelly released the following statement following reports that North Korea has successfully miniaturized a nuclear warhead that can fit inside its missiles. If accurate, this would be a significant step forward in the country’s effort to build a nuclear-armed missile capable of reaching the United States. Recently, Donnelly helped the Senate pass bipartisan legislation, which President Trump signed into law, that would increase sanctions on North Korea.


Donnelly said, “North Korea is pressing forward on the development of a nuclear missile that threatens our country as well as tens of thousands of deployed American servicemembers and our allies in the region. It is long past time for the United States to have a clear, comprehensive strategy to address this rapidly growing threat. This should be our top national security priority in the Pacific. While recent sanctions from Congress and the United Nations are a good start, we need to focus the full economic and diplomatic force of our nation on this problem – and get other countries in the region to do the same. In the meantime, I will continue working with my colleagues in the Senate – both Republican and Democratic – to strengthen our missile defenses, maintain our nuclear arsenal as a deterrent to our adversaries, and give the Administration the tools it needs to be successful.”


As Ranking Member of the Strategic Forces Subcommittee, Donnelly has led efforts to increase funding for U.S. missile defense programs and supported provisions in this year’s national defense bill to significantly strengthen the U.S. homeland missile defense system against the threat of an intercontinental ballistic missile attack. As Ranking Member of the National Security and International Trade and Finance Subcommittee, Donnelly co-led a hearing with subcommittee chairman Senator Ben Sasse (R-NE) to assess U.S. and international sanctions against North Korea and China in relation to North Korea’s nuclear missile program.