Marshall County Health Department logoEarlier this month County Health Administrator Christine Stinson presented the Commissioners with a revised Well ordinance for second reading.

At the commissioner’s recommendation she met with the owner of a local well drilling business and discussed the procedures for abandoning a well.  The original plan was removed and the Department of Natural Resource’s rules were used instead.  Stinson also removed the section requiring inspection of the well after construction since the installer must meet state guidelines.

The new ordinance requires regulations for installation, maintenance and operation.

The ordinance was approved on 2nd reading and will be heard on third and final reading at the August 7th Commissioners’ meeting.

An ordinance amendment to the fee schedule for the Marshall County Health Department was approved on 2nd reading.  Fees will increase for birth and death certificates from $5 and $6 to $10 and paternity affidavits from $25 to $35.  A new fee will be charged for rabies testing at $25 although anyone unable to pay the fee will have the testing costs covered by the Health. Other new test fees are for sexually transmitted infections and will cost $25.


The final reading of the ordinance amendment for fees will be heard on August 7 too.