public-hearingThe Department of Local Government Finance has scheduled a public hearing on the Marshall County Commissioner’s desire to re-establish the county’s Cumulative Capital Development Fund.

The hearing has been scheduled due to the fact that at least 50 taxpayers in Marshall County filed a petition with their objections to the rate increase.

The public hearing will be held on Thursday, June 22nd at 10 a.m. in room 203 of the County Building.

At this hearing the Department of Local Government Finance will accept written and verbal testimony from interested people and after the hearing will certify approval, disapproval, or modification of the county’s proposal to the County Auditor.

Last year the commissioners were informed during Umbaugh’s Comprehensive Financial Plan presentation that the Cumulative Capital Development Fund had a current rate of $.0169 per $100 of assessed value.  The maximum rate of $.0333 could generate additional tax dollars of over $400,000.

While the county attempted to re-establish the rate last year, the requirement of public notice in 2 local newspapers was not completed by the county and the proposal died.

Seeking a way to increase funding for the County Highway Department for road maintenance, the commissioners and county council took the necessary steps to re-establish the rate at the maximum this year.

Following the public hearing and notification that the increase had passed, local tax payers had 30 days to petition against the increase.  The public hearing on Thursday, June 22nd at 10 a.m. is the next step in the process.

The public is welcome to attend the hearing.