school attendanceThis past week Lincoln Junior High experiences a large number of absentees but that trend is reducing according the Principal Reid Gault.

On Monday (1/30) the school had 92 kids absent.  At the height of the sickness just over 20% of the kids were missing from Lincoln Junior High and that was on Tuesday with 110 absent and on Wednesday the count was 117.  Gault said Thursday was a better day with 17% missing or 92 and today that number dropped to the low 70’s.

The administration was in contact with the State Health Department and the Indiana Department of Education who reminded them that 80% of the kids were in school.

Gault said the State Health Department said the influenza virus could live on the surface from 2 to 8 hours.  The janitorial staff has been following the regiment the CDC (Center for Disease Control) sent and the school nurse has been promoting proper hygiene practices.

Gault noted that when talking to the parents, the kids were not all experiencing the same thing.  Some kids had been diagnosed with influenza A with a fever and vomiting while others were complaining of a cough, sore throat and fatigue.

The principal is encouraging kids to get plenty of rest this weekend and keep practicing proper hygiene techniques.