Teen Dating Violance Awareness MonthFebruary is Teen Dating Violence Awareness month, and March is Sexual Assault Awareness month.

Because these two months are very important to the work that we do, the Heminger House wants to reach out to the public.

Starting February 11 at the Plymouth Public Library, Heminger House will be offering a book group to the public.  How To Spot a Dangerous Man Before Getting Involved, a book written by Sandra L. Brown, MA.

This savvy, straightforward book pairs real women’s stories with research and the expertise of a domestic violence counselor to help women of all ages identify Dangerous Men — before they become too involved.

Brown describes eight types of Dangerous Men, their specific traits and characteristics. In separate chapters, she explores victim’s stories that tell how they came in contact with this type of Dangerous Man and their outcome. Brown then shows readers how to develop a Defense Strategy — how to spot, avoid, or rid themselves of this type of Dangerous Man.

The group will meet every Thursday evening at 6:00pm to 7:00pm.

Registration is appreciated, but not required. Registration can be done by visiting www.hemingerhouse.com and clicking on the events tab, or calling 574-936-7233.  We encourage all women to attend and bring their teen age daughters as well.