County News_logoDuring the December 19th meeting of the Marshall County Drainage Board, members considered a request for the Redinger Ditch north of State Road 110 and east of US 31.

There is property for sale on Michigan Road this is muck because they ran out of drainage.  A project spear headed by a couple of property owners would drain the area between US 31 and the railroad. The issue is getting under the railroad.

The railroad was abandoned and is now owned by Wilson Grain out of Rochester.  Larry Fisher the County surveyor said the 8 foot by 8 foot concrete structure sits to high for proper drainage.  His recommendation is to jack & bore a 24 inch pipe through the railroad embankment to move the residual water and keep the concrete structure for other water drainage.  His estimated cost is $25,000 for the project.

When asked by drainage board member Commissioner Kurt Garner who would pay for the project Fisher said the property owners although they have a request for assistance by the Drainage Board.

With $28,650 in the maintenance fund, Commissioner Kevin Overmyer motioned to assist with $14,000 for the project.  The drainage board unanimously agreed.

Fisher did note that when the project is complete the ditch will need to be cleaned upstream and downstream from the project.