County News_logoDuring Monday’s commissioners meeting, Laurie Baker from the Highway Department discussed the new funding from the state.

2017 budgets were due on Monday to the auditor and in the budget you must estimate the revenues as well as list the anticipated expenses.

Baker said, “We have the new funding from the State of Indiana. Based upon the new funding formula, the way I figured it based upon our revenues from 2015 we are going to see an increase of $19,570.00.”

Baker said, “The 6 month in the funding formula last year they gave us 102% back. This year we get 100% back, so right there off the top we’ve lost 2%.” She indicated that the additional $20,000 wouldn’t cover the additional cost of expense for next year.

Her estimated revenue for next year is $3,854,470. This year it was $3,834,899.


Commissioner Overmyer said, “You hear all these numbers flying around that makes it sound like you are flush with cash.” He continued, “I’m just shocked.”


Baker said, “It may look like that from the outside, but on the inside it doesn’t look that way.”