Jim Condon_Lions ClubJim Condon said he was honored to have been in school systems for the past 32 years and 23 years as principal.  One of the best parts of his tenure in high school education and one of the most rewarding is seeing boys and girls at the age of 14 become young men and women at the age of 18.

He also talked about the success this year at Plymouth High School in Academic, Extra Circular, and Service Projects.  For the last four years PHS has been listed in the US News and World Report as one of the top performing schools in the state as well as for the last four years listed as one of the top 20 schools in Indiana.  He spoke about the rate at which we graduate students and added that our students are college and career ready.  Many students are getting dual credit, meaning they are taking college classes while in high school.  An amazing 62% passed a college class.  Currently 38 college credit courses are offered.

This was also the first year our band, choir, and orchestra competed so well that PHS received the All Music Award.  Each competed at the state level and received a gold level award.  Condon also talked about the Robotics program where students build robots and compete in state competitions.  This year the highest qualifier was 18th in the world.

At Plymouth students have a choice in a learning environment.  There is the traditional high school as well as the Weidner School of Learning where students learn on teams.  Vocational and internship programs are also available at Plymouth High School

In other business, it was reported that White Cane Day was a very successful.  The next fundraiser is scheduled for June 18th.  The Plymouth Lions Club will be cooking pancakes and sausage at the Farmers Market.  In addition, they will also be there with pancakes and sausage on July 16th.  All are invited to stop by and enjoy the pancakes and know your dollars are going to fund many very worthy causes in our community.

The annual picnic will be at the Lions Pavilion in Centennial Park on June 20th.  A new slate of officers were voted on and approved and will be sworn in to serve for the upcoming year and our scholarship winners from the high school will be asked to enjoy the evening with Lions club members.  The next board meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 5th due to the 4th of July holiday.

An approval was also given to purchase eyeglasses for one additional needy child in our community.  Our harmony as Lions translates into saved lives, opportunities for children and restored vision.  We as Lions cherish our membership.  If you or anyone you know would like to join the Plymouth Lions Club, please contact any Lions club member.  In the words of our famous founder, Melvin Jones, “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”