Plymouth Community Schools
A proposal to add ten days of a new curriculum at Lincoln Junior High in Plymouth was tabled by the school board last month to allow Principal Reid Gault to consider other alternatives.

Gault is seeking approval to add PATH (Positive Approach to Teen Health) to the curriculum. The proposed classes would be taught in a co-ed setting with both a male and female instructor in the room. Topics would include such things as healthy relationships, drugs and sexual health.

Last month Gault told school board member there are students engaged in risky behaviors that need to be addressed. Initially the principal planned to use time in the science curriculum for the sessions but school board members weren’t in favor of taking that time away from science curriculum.

The recommendation by Gault last night that was approved by the Plymouth school board is to have the PATH curriculum to be taught in the health classes during the last 9 weeks this year. He said only a portion of 7th grade students will have the curriculum as a pilot program.  After reviewing the results a determination will be made if PATH will be incorporated into the 2016-17 school health curriculum.