

Following a letter sent to Menominee parents on Tuesday concerning a male employee, school officials shared further information.

The Menominee Elementary employee who allegedly gave his phone number to a “few students” submitted his letter of retirement on Monday.

Superintendent Dan Tyree said he had been with the school corporation for a number of years.  He also said, “I don’t believe anything bad happened but we need to protect our students.”

The superintendent said this has been a “learning situation” especially since none of us grew up with cell phones.   Now many elementary aged students carry them for safety reasons and thanks to an observant parent the school was able to investigate the incident and take action almost immediately.

A family member of one student involved said the male employee wrote his phone number on their child’s hand.  When the mother found the unfamiliar number in the child’s cell phone she called thinking it was the phone number of a friend’s parents.  When she called it the man acted like he didn’t know the child or anything about the school.

A discussion with Principal Steve Boyer and the investigation was underway.  The incident has been turned over to Child Protective Services for further investigation.

Superintendent Dan Tyree urges parents to check their student’s electronic devices and make sure you know who your children are communicating with.

Tyree also noted that the school has software in place to monitor the school computers for questionable usage.