County News_logoThe Marshall County Commissioners conducted their final meeting of the year Thursday morning.

The year-end claims were approved and the nepotism statements from all elected officers were accepted as required by state statue.

Commissioner president Kevin Overmyer then began the process of appointing various department heads, those included Clyde Avery as the Emergency Management Director, Laurie Baker as the Highway Administrator,  Jason Peters as the Highway Supervisor, Jerry Huss for Weights and Measures, Linda Rippy as Director of the Marshall County Museum, Doug Masterson for Building and Grounds, Gary Masterson head of maintenance for the Correctional Facility, Chuck DeWitt as the County Building Inspector, Michael Marshall I.T. Director and Pam  Schweizer-Betz as the Veteran Service Officer.

The commissioners also approved change order # 2 from USI in the amount of $1,600 for erosion control monitoring at the mitigation site for Veterans Park Way.