County News_logoThe Marshall County Commissioners have seen the advantage of creating a 5-year long-term financial plan with the assistance of Todd Samuelson from Umbaugh.  On Monday the commissioners discussed the proposal that will help with long term planning for maintenance, purchases and projects.

Samuelson discussed the reduction in revenues caused by the circuit breaker, interest rates, and revenues generated by property taxes.  Umbaugh will begin looking at year-end financials in February, meet with department heads, analyze the major budget funds and work with the powers-to-be to prioritize the needs.

The whole process is expected to take 3 months.  While the cost will be billed hourly the agreement has a not to exceed limitation of $25,000.

The commissioners didn’t have this project in their budget for 2016 so an additional appropriation will be sought from the County Council to fund the project.