Plymouth_Logo_2014Monday night the Plymouth Common Council unanimously approved an amendment to the 2016 Salary Ordinance as it pertains to the rotation of shifts for full time fire and EMS members at the Plymouth fire Department.

Last month Fire Chief Rod Miller said some members were seeking to change the rotation shift schedule from 24 on and 48 off to 24 on, 24 off, 24 on, 24 off 24 on and then 4 days off.   There was some opposition from the EMS side but after further consideration the council approved the amendment on final reading.

The Plymouth Common Council also approved on 2nd and 3rd reading the ordinance setting salaries for elected officials for 2016.  The ordinance includes the same 2% raise that other city employees received.

The council heard on first reading the ordinance adopting the 2016 fee schedule for the Plymouth Park Department and passed the resolution designating the WestRock real estate to be within an economic revitalization area for their $5 million dollar investment.