caucusOn Tuesday, September 29th at 6 p.m. the Marshall County Republican Party will conduct a caucus at their headquarters on Water and Garro Street in Plymouth.  The precinct committee men and women will be voting from on a replacement for Marshall County Sheriff Tom Chamberlin.

Chamberlin lost his battle to cancer the end of August after serving 6 years.

So far four individuals have filed with the Marshall County Clerk their intentions to run for the position.  Those four include Dan Butt who is second in command at the Sheriff’s Department, Ward Byers Director of Court Services, Duane Culp a detective with the Sheriff’s Department and John Karris a DNR officer.

Candidates have until noon on Monday, September 28th file their intentions for run for Sheriff.

Rules for the caucus voting state a simple majority wins the election. If voting requires more than one round the one with the fewest votes would be eliminated until a majority is achieved.

The candidate voted to fill the vacancy of Sheriff will fill the position until 2018.