County News_logoThis week the Marshall County Commissioners had a very busy agenda for their meeting.

Eric Miller from Mapping Solutions told the commissioners his company may be hired to print a new plat-map for Marshall County Soil and Water.  I preparation he asked for fee use of the county’s GIF data.  The commissioners took no action and noted that they only share free data with other governmental agencies.  It was suggested that if Mapping Solutions was successful Soil and Water should make the request.

Plymouth Airport manager, Dave Lattimer presented the commissioner with a copy of the most recent Capital Improvement Plan. Lattimer highlighted the many improvements paid for locally including re-roofing and siding four of the five building.  He also briefed the commissions on the current project that will get underway this spring.  The runway will be widened from 60 to 75 feet and all 4400 feet of the pavement will be rebuilt.

The commissioner opened bids for the purchase of a new loader for the highway department.  There is $175,000 in this year’s budget and the 6 bids ranged from $163,083 up to $234,800.  Bids were also opened for the sale of a 1990 Case 821 loader used by the highway department.  Five bids were received ranging from $3,001 up to $19,100.  All bids were taken under advisement for review with a recommendation anticipated at the March 2nd meeting.

Other agenda items from the Commissioner’s meeting included appointing Judy Stone to the City’s Common Construction Wage Committee, kudos were sent to the county snowplow drivers and approval for the Deputy Prosecuting Attorney to attend a week long intensive training for drug cases in North Carolina.  Skidinski received a $1,000 scholarship for the training and Prosecutor Chipman estimated additional expenses will be about $1,000.