NewsRalph Booker recently presented the 2014 annual report to the County Plan Commission and BZA.

Permit activity was up in 2014 with 520 permits issued including 117 electrical permits.  This was a significant increase from 2013 with 440.  The value of the permits increased from $13,448,000 in 2013 up to $37,331,000 last year.  Building wasn’t just in Plymouth with 99 of the permits being issued in Argos, Bourbon and Bremen zoning districts.

New home permits were up in 2014 with 43 conventional homes and 5 modular homes.

Growth in the townships continued to trend with German and West Townships experiencing the most growth.  Center, North Tippecanoe, Polk, Union Bourdon, Walnut, and Green all experienced 10% or less growth.  Residential growth in the fastest growing townships is impacting the level of services needed such as drainage, fire protection, police protection and roads.

The county also issued 20 commercial permits, 12 decks, 43 home additions, 7 porches, 5 swimming pools, 10 communication towers, 6 signs and 44 demolitions.

Income from building permits in 2014 was $76,748.50.