Innovation Academy LincolnOffering challenging classes that keep students engaged continues to be among the priorities for the Plymouth Schools. During a meeting on February 3, School Board members reviewed the details of two new classes that will be offered at Lincoln Junior High starting with the 2015-2016 school year.

Following the meeting, LJH Principal Reid Gault, said, “We continue to look for classes that will challenge our students in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.” “These new courses will do so and prepare students to take such courses at the high school level.” he added.

The first, PLTW (Project Lead the Way) Introduction to Engineering Design will give 8th grade students who successfully complete the course two high school credits. The course material will develop student’s problem solving skills with the emphasis on the development of three-dimensional solid models. They will start from sketching simple geometric shapes to applying a solid modeling computer software package. Additionally, the computer Aided Design System (CAD) will also be used to analyze and evaluate the product design.

According to LJH administrators, the techniques learned in the course along with the equipment used, are currently being used by engineers throughout the United States.

The second course, PLTW Introduction to Computer Science is a 7th grade level course and is recommended for all students. Students will work in teams to create simple apps for mobile devices using MIT App Inventor. They will explore the impact of computing in society and the application of computing across career paths and build skills and awareness in digital citizenship and cyber security.

Gault said, “Both introduction to Engineering Design and Introduction to Computer Science will help Lincoln become the best we can be for students.”


Carol Anders Correspondent