County Highway Deals with Snow and Holes

March 14, 2014


  03/14/14 With this extreme winter and now the start of the freeze and thaw season, Marshall County Highway employees are busy still plowing snow and patching pot holes.

On Tuesday evening a major crater was located by a county officer in the 17,000 block of 7th Road.  The cave-in was more than just a pot hole.  The base under the asphalt actually fell away and without support the asphalt fell in.  The hole is about 3 feet long and 2 feet wide and a foot or so deep. 

  The County Highway Department responded to the scene and placed a barricade over the hole to warn motorists of the danger.

  Jerry Lamb, General Foreman for the highway department said, “The ground is soft with all the melting snow.  The freezing and thawing creates cavities and that can cause the roads to crumble.”  He also noted that a broken tile could also be the cause of this hole. 

Lamb said they will place limestone in the crater until the weather breaks and a real fix can be done.