Plymouth School Board set 2014-15 Fees

May 7, 2014


During their regular meeting on May 6, the Plymouth School Board approved textbook rental charges for grades K-4 for the school year 2014-2015. Rental charges include textbooks, consumables, and miscellaneous supplies.

Kindergarten fees totaling $138 include textbooks in music, reading program, social studies, science, and Living Textbook Math. Consumables include Envisions Math, pre-reading materials and art supplies.

Grade 1 rental fees include textbooks in science, social studies, reading, music, art and Living Textbook Math along with consumables of Envisions Math and art supplies. The rental charge was set at $144.

Grade 2 rental fees include textbooks and consumables in the same subject areas grade 1. Total charges will be $179.

Fees for grade 3 were listed at $180 for textbooks of Your Health, Living Textbook Science, music, Timelinks-Comunities, reading, art program, and Envisions Math and consumable art supplies.

Grade 4 charges are for an almost identical list as grade 3 with the Timelinks-Indiana and added recorder. Charges were approved at $179.


Among other items, the Board voted unanimously in approval for a four-year contract for a Learning Management System.

The program would allow teachers to interact individually with students, build units, and design on-line courses.

The proposed contract shows a product purchase of Canvas Cloud Subscription for 3,950 subscriptions for the first year at $8,076.00 with a premium support fee of $1,615.00. Contract inclusions for years two, three, and four show fees of $34,602.00 (year two), $36,340.00 (year three) and $36,340.00 (year four).

Additional fees include non-recurring fees for guided implementation, power school integration, and maintenance for a total of $16,500.00.

The combined totals are set at $133,473.00.

According to Assistant superintendent Dan Funston, the school corporation will have to pay the total for first year; however, subsequent years could be “e-rated” meaning reimbursement by governmental agency. He said the first year system charges are being paid for thorough the Capital Projects Fund for technology.

Funston said the system will provide online opportunities that are important for college and careers courses. He referred to the Learning Management system as “robust“. According to Funston both Indiana University and Project Lead the Way have both adopted the system as well.

Carol Anders Correspondent