AutoPark_Turkey2014_0The Auto Park on West Jefferson Street in Plymouth conducted their 6th Annual Thanksgiving Turkey Giveaway on Saturday.

AutoPark_Turkey2014_babyHundreds of people lined up for the turkey giveaway, a community service of The Auto Park, helping families with a free turkey for their Thanksgiving dinner.

AutoPark_Turkey2014_1While people were waiting in line to get a turkey, live holiday music was provided by local musical group, Amasan.

AutoPark_Turkey2014_bloodMartin’s Supermarket donated cookies for the event and the South Bend Medical Foundation was on hand hosting a blood drive. If you were able to donate blood, you didn’t have to stand in line to get your turkey.
The frozen turkeys were piled high in the back pick-up trucks parked in the lot of Auto Park.

AutoPark_Turkey2014_2Staff members and their families of the Auto Park have made it a tradition handing out 700 turkeys. They were all gone in just over two hours.

AutoPark_turkey2014_kidWTCA wished to thank the Auto Park for their generosity to the community.
