The fourth and fifth grade students at Triton Elementary School presented a special patriotic musical program the evening of Veteran’s Day.

The musical program was under the direction of music teacher, Mollie Kintzel. Students pictured performing were:
Triton_Veteran'sDay2014_1up front left Zach Slimak and right Emma Lemler
all left to right: Melissa Slabaugh, Zach Slimak, William Weissert, Emma Lemler, Katelyn Kaufman, Bruce Johnsong

Triton_Veteran'sDay2014_2up front left Cadence Lyons/right Emma Lemler
left to right all: Melissa Slabaugh, Cadence Lyons, Makenna May, William Weissert, Emma Lemler, Katellyn Kaufman
Thank you.