PrintThursday afternoon parents with children in the Plymouth Community School Corporation received notification of happenings in the Lincoln Junior High School.
At approximately 11:00 A.M. the schools safety department called for an external lock-down for all PCSC schools. An external lock-down means that there is a situation that occurred outside the school in the community. There indeed was a situation that occurred near Lincoln Junior High, however it was resolved shortly after 11:00 A.M. and the lock-down was lifted. When such a lock down is issued schools do not open doors to outside guests and all employees and students are not permitted to leave. The Plymouth School Corporation would like to thank the Plymouth Police Department for promptly handling the situation.
Also Thurday it was reported that one of the students in the LJH was in possession of a knife. Upon the report, Lincoln administration immediately investigated and discovered that two students were in possession of pocket knives. Both knives were quickly confiscated and the students were removed from the building. At Lincoln Junior High School they are constantly teaching students the values of our Storm Watch Program which are to be Respectful, Responsible, Positive and Safe. The Students practiced these characteristics Thursday by reporting something that they knew was not safe. As always their best line of defense against students making poor choices is other students making the correct choices. If you have any questions or concerns please call 574-936-3113.