POP_2014Regional_drumOn Saturday, October 18th, the “Pride of Plymouth” marching band competed in the Indiana State School Music Association’s Regional marching band competition.

POP_2014Regional_flagsThe ISSMA Regional event brings all of the Open Class bands in the state together into two sites (North and South). At each of these sites, the bands compete for top honors and a chance to advance to the ISSMA Semi-State competition.

POP_RegionalWIn2014The Plymouth High School Band earned a Gold Award rating at the event, but also made the final cut to advance on to the next level. The Semi-State event will combine the top bands from the North and South Regionals together into one event where the top 10 bands will then advance on the ISSMA State Finals in Lucas Oil Stadium. Last year, the PHS band advanced to the state finals for the 2nd time in a four year period. The band is working very diligently to prepare themselves for the Semi-State event in hopes of a repeat trip to the state finals event.

POP_RegionalWin2014_2The ISSMA Semi-State for Open Class B will be held at Pike High School in Indianapolis on Saturday, November 1. Plymouth will perform 10th out of 20 bands and will take the field at 3:10 p.m. Open Class B begins at 1:00 p.m. and the award ceremony and announcing of the 2014 state finalists will begin at 6:15 p.m.

POP_2014Regional_Drum major Lauren TannerGood luck to the “Pride of Plymouth” as they prepare for the Semi-State event!