Local NewsPlymouth City Attorney Sean Surrisi told members of the Board of Public Works and Safety Monday night that approval from the EPA has been received to move forward with the Brownfield assessment grant. This is a $600,000 grant to be shared between the City of Plymouth, Marshall County and Town of Bourbon for environment assessment work.

Currently requesting for qualification from companies interested in doing the work are being advertised. The RFQ’s will be received at the October 27th meeting and a three person committee will review the requests for qualifications before a recommendation is made to the Board of Public Works and Safety at their first meeting in November.
The committee who will review the FRQ’s will be Mayor Mark Senter, Board of Works member Don Ecker and City Councilman Mike Delp. Surrisi noted, “Several firms have expressed interest in the project.”

This grant will allow the local governments to select properties that may have a potential environmental issue, either privately owned or government owned properties can be selected and have an assessment completed. After the assessment is completed there is another grant opportunity to have clean-up work completed.