Coats_Donnelly friend of farmers 2014The American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) has named Indiana Senators Dan Coats and Joe Donnelly a “Friend of Farm Bureau.”
“Senator Coats works hard for Hoosier farmers in Washington and we appreciate his interest in limiting regulatory overreach,” said Kyle Cline, national policy advisor for Indiana Farm Bureau. “He continues to talk about the importance of establishing policies that support farmers being able to pass the farm onto the next generation, and that’s something farm families care a lot about.”

“Indiana farmers also appreciate the support of Senator Donnelly on the Agriculture Committee and for making farm families and issues a priority,” continued Cline. “He has demonstrated a willingness to work with farmers across Indiana and has shown strong support for homegrown energy and risk management that goes beyond the farm gate.”

Walorski_Friend of Farmers 2014Representative Jackie Walorski, of Indiana’s 2nd District, has also been named a “Friend of Farm Bureau.”

“Congresswoman Walorski has continued to demonstrate her commitment to farm families of the district through her support of key legislation, access to Farm Bureau members, and active outreach to rural communities,” said Kyle Cline, national policy advisor for Indiana Farm Bureau. “Her willingness to listen to farmers and support of sound risk management programs is important beyond the farm gate. The Congresswoman has also been steadfast in her commitment to protecting farm and business interests from overreaching regulations that could stifle economic growth during a fragile recovery period.”

Being named a “Friend of Farm Bureau” is based on a lawmaker’s voting record on AFBF’s priority issues, the number of bills that a legislator has sponsored and co-sponsored and taking a leadership role for Farm Bureau on priority issues.

“We appreciate both of our senators, who understand that agriculture is vital to Indiana’s economy,” said Don Villwock, IFB president. “Senators Coats and Donnelly are truly friends to Farm Bureau.”