The 3rd annual “Celebrate & Support Our Troops” dinner and auction fundraiser for Operation Quite Comfort will be held here in Plymouth on Thursday, April 3rd. This has been very successful in the past and this year they are planning an even more exciting event!

The Celebrate & Support Our Troops fundraiser event has been moved to a bigger location to accommodate the growing crowd.  The Knights of Columbus Hall on Columbus Drive in Plymouth will host the dinner, auction and fun.  Doors open at 5 and the program begins at 6.   

Dinner includes a delicious pork dinner with all several sides and dessert. There are many great items on the silent auction and some big items on the live auction….like a Tandem Sky Dive, a Hot Air Balloon Ride and a week’s stay at a House in Orlando, Florida near Disney World

Participants will get some hands on experience packing 100 Go Bags, signing cards and denim quilt squares for the Four Freedoms Quilts.    You’ll l learn more about Operation Quite Comfort… what they do and why they do it.

Everything for the evening is donated so ALL income goes to the mission of OQC to support our military men and women.  Tickets are $15 per person or you can reserve a table of 8 for $125.  Get your tickets today at Young’s TV & Appliance, A.S.K. for Flowers, Laurie Sutter State Farm Insurance or here at WTCA.  You can also get tickets in Bremen at the VFW or H&R Block.

Volunteers of OQC encourage everyone to attend! Invite your friends, family and co-workers.   If you absolutely can’t be there here are ways you can support this event.

1. Donate something for the auction
2. Purchase tickets that will be given away to local military families and veterans
3.Be a sponsor and donate $150 and have your name or business name printed on the place mats at the event. 

For more information contact Jan Houin at or call 574-936-1424